In Wolf’s Skin by Titilayo Farukuoye


A memorandum of strength, fierceness and love, speaking to the importance of standing for a world you want to live in…

SKU: 978-1-910416-33-4 Categories: ,


Contemplating power and heritage, In Wolf’s Skin offers a means to articulate some realities of our colonial legacies. This pamphlet is a memorandum of strength, fierceness and love, speaking to the importance of standing for a world you want to live in. It is a love letter to Black women, all of us whose identities face marginalisation and those who bare witness and speak up, as we continue to collectively raise our voices for liberation.

In Wolf’s Skin weaves heritage, culture and language across central and northern Europe from Scotland, Austria and Norway reaching to Nigeria and Cameroon, providing space for multilingualism, multi-tradition and -heritage lives, identities and forms of being beyond any expected norm.

Titilayo Farukuoye is a writer, educator and organiser based in Glasgow. Their work addresses social justice and community care and is informed by dreaming and the radical imagination. Titilayo co-directs the Scottish BPOC Writers Network (SBWN) and is a winner of the 2022 Edwin Morgan Poetry Award.

‘These poems document life in a world that regards you as a wolf. In poem after poem, I recognise how a right to exist here is questioned, how we are asked to apologise and retract in the face of ever-present danger. And yet, the poems don’t stop there; they also show us how others (from ancestors to characters we’ve never met) can help us forgive and connect, how we find a way to breathe and live in – and even love – our flawed world.’ – Marjorie Lotfi

‘A window into the contemporary legacies of a fierce black feminist poetic forged in the 1980s. These are poems that acknowledge and affirm the presence of their readers, fluid and generous, they invite us to witness an artful defiance of the strictures of race, class and gender.’ – Lola Olufemi